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Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing

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The Industrialising Guide from the Victoria 2 wiki may prove useful. 1) In the early game, build few factories - no more than one per province. At this point factories will struggle to turn a profit - labour is scarce, raw material costs are high and factories themselves are less efficient than your artisan POPs. May 16, 2019  Rage 2 – How To Fix Crashing And Game Not Launching/ Loading. By Kakra in Games PC PS4 Xbox. Rage 2 will be the latest game from Publisher Bethesda Softworks and Developer Avalanche Studios, id Software and where players will find themselves in a world destroyed by an asteroid and now players must survive the onslaught of enemies. Apr 13, 2014  Q1. It crashes on map logic/adapting history (Or something similar). Make sure to delete the map and flag cache in the following directories: C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonVictoria 2map and C:UsersJeremyDocumentsParadox InteractiveVictoria IIVictoria IIgfx (If you can't find either of these directories, check for them.

  1. Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing When I Launch Game
  2. Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing Lyrics
  3. Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing
  4. Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing 2017

This article lists all possible event effects. Add any that are missing.

  • 2Targets
  • 3Population Effects
  • 4Provincial Effects
  • 5National Effects
  • 6Political Effects
  • 7Diplomatic Effects
  • 8Economic Effects
  • 9Function Effects
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Syntax and terminology

Many event options are of the form

What this means is that when the event triggers, and this outcome is selected, then for all X such that A = B, Y = Z happens to X. X is the target of the command, and may be a group of pops, a group of provinces or states, a country, or other things; A = B is the condition, and may be limiting the pops to only those of certain cultures, limiting the states to only those that are slave states, or other things; Y is the effect, and Z is the argument that tells the effect what to do. This is a general pattern, and may not hold for specific examples.

Down south hustlers torrent. These may also be nested; for instance,

says that in all states (any_state) that are slave states (limit = {is_slave = yes}), all pops (any_pop) that are of the Dixie culture will have a CON increase of 0.5



An effect that applies to pops can target pops in these classes:

targetwhat it means
any_poptargets all pops
  • aristocrats
  • artisans
  • bureaucrats
  • capitalists
  • clergymen
  • clerks
  • craftsmen
  • farmers
  • labourers
  • officers
  • slaves
  • soldiers
the type of pop specified
  • poor_strata
  • middle_strata
  • rich_strata
all pops in a certain wealth level

This target can be limited by:

  • has_pop_culture = (culture)
  • has_pop_religion = (religion)
  • is_state_religion = (yes/no)
  • type (type = slaves or NOT = { type = slaves}, for example)
  • is_primary_culture = (yes/no)
  • is_accepted_culture = (yes/no)
  • consciousness = n (all pops where CON is at least n)
  • militancy = n


An effect that targets provinces can target these classes:

targetwhat it means
any_ownedall provinces; can be nested within a state or country target to give all provinces within the state, states, or country selected.
(a province ID)the province referenced by the ID
capital_scopefor a country event, this targets the country's capital province.

For a province event, if no target is given the effect will target the province for which the event fired.

This target can be limited by:

  • is_core = (tag) (to specify provinces that have certain cores on them)
  • province_id = n (to exclude specific provinces from a larger group)
  • has_province_modifier = (modifier)
  • has_province_flag = (flag name) (only provinces that have that flag will be targeted)
  • (ideology) = n (only provinces where (ideology) has more than n% representation)
  • average_militancy = n (all provinces with average MIL over n)
  • average_consciousness = n


An effect that targets states can target these classes:

targetwhat it means
random_stateany one state, randomly chosen
(a state name, e.g. USA_1)the state referenced by that name
state_scopeFor a province event, state_scope is the state containing the province

This target can be limited by:

  • is_slave = (yes/no)
  • is_colonial = (yes/no)
  • average_militancy = n (all states with average MIL over n)
  • average_consciousness = n
  • has_pop_type = (type)
  • (issue) = n (all states where (issue) is the primary issue for n% of the population)


An effect that targets a country as a whole can use these targets

targetwhat it means
no target givenFor a country event, the default target is the country that fired the event
(a tag)the country referenced by the tag
any_countryall countries (the current country not included)
any_greater_powerrandomly choose one of the eight great powers
FROMfor a triggered event, FROM is the country that fired the triggering event.
THISthe country that fires a country-scope event.
ownerfor a province event, owner is the country that owns the province that fired the event
sphere_ownerIf the country that fired an event is in a sphere, sphere_owner is the nation controlling that sphere

This target can be limited by:

  • has_country_flag = (flag name) (only countries that have that flag will be targeted)
  • civilized = (yes/no)
  • in_culture_group = (group)
  • (reform_class) = (reform_level) (only countries that have a certain level of political or social reform, ex. press_rights = free_press)
  • prestige = n (limits to countries with n prestige or more)
  • tag = (tag) or, more importantly, NOT = {tag = (tag)} (limits to the country with (or the countries without) the given tag

Population Effects



POPsChanges all the pop cultures in a scope into the primary cultureOnly works in the province scope. Changes the all pops in the country to the primary culture.


POPsChange the CON of the targeted pop or pops by the given value


POPsChanges the dominant issue of a portion of the targeted pop to the given issue. It works the same way as upper_house.


POPsChange the proportion of the targeted pop that follows the specified ideology. It works the same way as upper_house.


POPsChanges the literacy of the targeted pop by the specified amount. Reduces literacy by 10%.


POPsChange the MIL of the targeted pop or pops by the given value. Similar in all respects to consciousness, as described above.


POPsChanges the target pop's savings by the specified amount.


POPsMakes a certain percentage of people supporting issue A, switch to issue B. This effect is used in the adding of CB, where people switch from jingoism to pro military.


POPsMoves the targeted pop to the specified province. There have been issues encountered with this effect, such as having the moved pop automatically join up with pops of the same religion even if they're not the same culture. Use with caution


POPsChanges the type of the targeted pop.


POPsChanges the targeted pop to the given proportion of its current value. Increases POP size if n>0.


POPsChanges the consciousness of the targeted pops by the given value multiplied by the proportion of the pop that is of the given ideology or issue. E.g. if a pop has 40% support for pro-military, and n = 0.5, then the CON increase would be 0.4 * 0.5 = 0.2.


POPssee scaled_consciousness

Provincial Effects



ProvinceAdds a core of the given country to the targeted province


ProvinceAdds the specified modifier to the targeted province. n in days.


ProvinceChanges the controller (not owner) of the target province.


Changes the province's name to the one specified.


StateChanges the region (state) name to the one specified.Example:Don't include ANY other effects in the same province scope as this one, else the event will cause a crash.


StateIncreases the flashpoint tension of the state by n.HoD only. Example:


ProvinceChanges the target province's fortification level by n.


ProvinceChanges the target province's infrastructure level by n.


ProvinceChanges the target province's life rating by n.


ProvinceChanges the target province's naval base level by n.


ProvinceRemoves a core of the given country to the targeted province.FROM does not work.


ProvinceRemoves the specified modifier from the targeted province.If the modifier does not currently exist in the province, this command won't appear in the tooltip.


ProvinceChanges the target province's RGO size by n.


ProvinceTransfers the province in scope from the targeted nation to another.


ProvinceChanges the good produced by the target province to the one specified.

National Effects



CountryAdds the specified technology to the country, whether it is the next level or not.AHD only


CountryMakes the specified culture accepted by the targeted country.


CountryRemoves the specified culture as accepted by the targeted country.


CountryAdds the specified modifier to the targeted country. n is in days.Won't replace or extend an already existing modifier.


CountryInvolves the country in scope to the current crisis.HoD only


Increases the temperature of the current crisis by n.


CountryChange the target country's infamy by n.


CountryChange the capital of the country to the specified province id.


CountryChanges the civilized/uncivilized status of the country.


Kills the specified army/navy leader.The ID can be found in the save file. Unclear if the ID is always the same for leaders created using define_general.


Creates a new general with the specified see kill_leader


CountryChanges the national value of the current country to the value specified.value from commonnationalvalues.txt


CountryChange the plurality of the targeted country by n.


CountryChange the prestige of the targeted country by n.


CountryChanges the prestige of the targeted country by the current prestige multiplied with n. Change cannot be less than ±1.


CountryChanges the target country's primary culture.This may be used on non-existing countries.


CountryChanges the scoped country's state religion to the specified one. State religion is only visible in save files.


Removes a country modifier.If the country modifier does not exist, the command won't appear in the tooltip.


CountryGrants n RPs to the target country's current research project.


CountryChanges the target country's war exhaustion by n.


CountryGrants a number of RP that would have been accumulated over n years.


CountryTurns all factories invested by foreign powers your own.

Political Effects

Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing When I Launch Game



CountryAdds the specified economic reform to the uncivilized nation.AHD only


CountryStarts the election process ahead of schedule.


Globally enables the specified ideology.


CountryChanges the target country's government to the specified type.Does not change any of the country's reforms.


StateSets the slave state / free state status of a state. Appears in a triggered-only event, syntax doesn't fit the normal model.


CountryAdds the specified military reform to the uncivilized nation.AHD only


CountryChanges the target country to the specified political reform.


CountryChanges the current ideology of the country's ruling party.The exact party is random if there is more than one for that ideology.


CountryChanges the target country to the specified social reform.


CountryChanges the proportion of the upper house that follows the specified ideology.The amount gained (U) is calculated by the following formula: U=1-1/(1+N)

The other values will be multiplied by 1-U.


Upperhouse starts with 10% (0.1) liberals and 90% (0.9) conservatives.

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liberals = 0.1*0.8+.2 = 0.28 = 28%

conservatives = 0.9*0.8 = 0.72 = 72%

Advantages and disadvantages of software configuration management. N = -1-1/(U-1)

Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing Lyrics

Diplomatic Effects



CountryGives the target a casus belli against the country in scope for n months.


CountryAnnexes the targeted country to the country in the current scope.


CountryGrants the scoped country a casus belli against the target country for n months.


CountryCreates an alliance between target country and the scoped country.


CountryMakes the specified country a vassal of the scoped country, even if they are already a vassal.


CountryChanges the influence that the targeted country has on the specified country by n.


CountryEnds the military access granted by the specified country to the current country.


CountryEnds any war between the target country and the specified country.Does not create a truce, and there are no penalties for the cancelled CBs. Will not cancel the war with allies or vassals.


CountryAdds all provinces of the specified country to the targeted country.


CountryRemove the current country from an alliance with the specified country.


CountryGives the target country military access to the specified country.


CountryDissolves all alliances a nation has and set all satellites free.


CountryChanges the relation between the targeted country and the specified country by n.


CountryAllows the target country to release the specified country and thereby create a new independent nation.


CountryIf this targets a vassal nation (or substate), the vassal is freed. If this targets a non-existing nation, it is released as a vassal of the current country.If the capital of the released country is not owned, the country is simply freed outright and not as a vassal (check with is_possible_vassal).


CountryStarts a war between the country for whom the event fired and the given country.

Economic Effects



CountryUsed to remove or add money relative to country's income with maximum taxation.E.g. if n=0.1, 10% of what income would be if all taxes were maxed out is added.

[resource name]

CountryChanges the national stockpile of the resource named by n.


CountryChange the amount of cash in the treasury by n.

Function Effects



CountrySwitches the nation in scope to the specified country tag. No cores will change.change_tag = culture probably changes to the union tag for that culture.


Switches the player nation from the current one to the specified one.


Increases or decreases the value of an existing variable.


ProvinceRemoves the specified province flag.


CountryRemoves the specified country flag.


GlobalRemoves the specified global flag.


Fires the specified country event for the targeted country.Second syntax only with AHD, FROM will not work with that.


Fires the specified province event for the targeted province.Event can only fire for the owner of the province, and does not work on empty provinces. It will however work if you secede_province at the same time.


Specifies the probability n that the effects specified will occur.


Causes one of two or more possible effects to happen and specifies the probability for each. Probability of any effect Ex occurring is Ex/(E1+E2+..+En).Due to the game using a random number seed, the output for this effect will be the same every time it's used in the same event.


ProvinceSets the specified flag for the current province.


CountrySets the specified flag on the current country.


GlobalSets the specified flag globally (meaning every tag, existing or not, gets the flag)


Creates a new variable and assigns it the value n.If the variable exist,it's value will be set by n.

Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing

See also

Victoria 2 Keeps Crashing 2017

Retrieved from ''

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